Where Pumas learn and grow
Who are the Pumas?
Welcome to Toro Canyon Middle School
PBIS Information
PBIS seeks to reduce or eliminate poor behavior schoolwide through the encouragement of positive behaviors
Toro Canyon Middle School
Free 24/7 online tutoring for CVUSD students K-12
Tutoría en línea gratuita 24/7 para estudiantes del CVUSD K-12
Know what to expect
Safe Return to School
We understand learning will look different, and our goal is to provide a place for you to access current information . The content we have made available will help you understand the safe return to school. We thank you for your on-going support as we continue to find ways to best serve all of our students!
Legal Notices
Student Rights
Report Bullying
Suicide Prevention
Report Bullying
Suicide Prevention
Legal Notices
Uniform Complaint Procedures
Title IX
LCAP & Learning Continuity & Attendance / Plan preliminar de Continuidad del Aprendizaje y Asistencia
Imagine being able to provide input and help influence CVUSD’s educational priorities and budgetary spending. That’s what the LCAP process does.
Get involved and let your voice be heard
What's Happening
Swapable Panel Container
By the Numbers
English Learners
Free Lunch